"Arabic Language and Literature: An Introduction" by Dr. Khaliq Dad Malik and Hafiz Zia Ur Rehman-Azad, published by Book Depot, serves as a foundational text for understanding the rich tapestry...
"Babar Biti Zamanay Jo Khwab Huway" by Babar Hassan Baharwana encapsulates a riveting narrative that traverses through the dreams and aspirations of its characters against the backdrop of time. Through...
"Baridgar Teen Novalt Teen Afsanay" by Ikram Ullah is a collection of three distinct narratives that delve into the intricacies of human emotions, societal dynamics, and personal growth. Through compelling...
In "Boys And Sex Young" by Peggy Orenstein, the author delves into the complex realm of young men's sexuality, exploring their experiences, attitudes, and the societal constructs that shape them....
"In The Land of The Pure" by Kenize Mourad is a narrative that delves into the intricacies of identity, belonging, and the complexities of cultural heritage. Set against the backdrop...